Earn more when you
save long term
With a Build Your Future savings account, you can set your savings goal and earn an attractive rate of interest.
You’ll agree to pay in a set amount every month and, the longer you save, the more interest you’ll earn.
See how much interest you can earn
KHR Rate %
USD Rate %
3 years
5.0 %
4.2 %
5 years
6.0 %
4.9 %
Note: Build Your Future accounts require a commitment to pay in an agreed amount for a fixed term of 3 or 5 years. Minimum opening balance is USD 10 and the monthly saving amount must be between USD 10 and USD 1,000. Monthly deposits must be made by standing order from a BRED Bank Cambodia account. Monthly amounts can be increased twice yearly, if required, but cannot be reduced. Additional payments outside of the agreed monthly amount cannot be accepted. Interest is accumulated monthly. Penalties apply if the term is broken before maturity or if a monthly payment is missed. Full terms and conditions are available on request.
Want to find out more about saving with us?
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Our team will be happy to help you start your Build Your Future account opening today.